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Courtesy of INDEAL Cares’ charitable partner NAMI

Hearts & Minds

At the core of our mission is the knowledge that our pillars of health are interconnected, and dynamic – we are passionate about working to improve all elements of wellness, both within our four pillars of health – and outside of them. 


We’re pleased to share that INDEAL Care’s charitable partner, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has announced the launch of the first phase of the updated NAMI Hearts+Minds, a program that educates and empowers individuals to better manage their health, mentally and physically.  

The need to focus on mental and physical health simultaneously has never been more important. People with mental illness have significantly higher rates of obesity, cardiovascular disease and metabolic disease. These conditions worsen health and reduce lifespans. We are proud to support NAMI and the great work they do.  To learn more about the program, click here.


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